J.P. Morgan Securities v. Wang (2010) - Obtained and fully recovered $3+ million Judgment for customer debit balance to cover trades in Bear Stearns stock just prior to announcement of sale to JPMorgan Chase for which client refused to pay. Before securing full satisfaction of the Judgment, Jeff successfully argued before the District Court and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, each time defeating the customer’s claim that the underlying arbitration award was subject to vacatur under federal or California law.
Barclays v. Siddiqi (2012) - Obtained $3+ million Award for full principal debt and interest owed by former employee/debtor plus attorneys’ fees and costs with complete defense of counterclaims. Successfully defeated motion to vacate award in District Court and obtained $3.5+ million Judgment on confirmed Award. Subsequently obtained $1.5 million non-dischargeable Judgment in Bankruptcy Court after debtor filed for bankruptcy.
Barclays v. Celenza & DiGioia (2014) - Obtained and fully recovered $6.6 million Award for full principal debts and interest owed by former employees/debtors with complete defense of counterclaims.
UBS v. Brook (2014) - Obtained $500k+ Award and Judgment for full principal debt and interest owed by former employee/debtor and attorneys’ fees and costs with complete defense of counterclaims.
UBS v. Doyle (2015) - Obtained $4+ million Award and Judgment for full principal debt and interest owed by former employee/debtor and attorneys’ fees with complete defense of counterclaims. After debtor filed for bankruptcy, secured a settlement in addition to pro rata share of anticipated distribution from bankruptcy estate to be paid pursuant to timely proof of claim as largest creditor.
Barclays v. Webb (2015) - Obtained $2+ million Award and Judgment for full principal debt and interest owed by former employee/debtor and attorneys’ fees and costs with complete defense of counterclaims.